the U.S. beast

Rev. 13:11,
 I saw another wild beast, ascending out of the earth, it had 2 horns, like a lamb, but,...
The eastern seaboard of the united states, is the top of the head, of a beast figure. As you may know, there are about as many different interpretations, as there are people, but if the fact that "the united states" looks like a beast, and acts like the beast, what John described next, should alert you as to what is being revealed, he gives us another clue, one that is very intriguing! He states, 16. "And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small & the great, & the rich & the poor, & the free & the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17. & that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast, or the number of its name. 18. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; & its number is six hundred & sixty-six.

1 comment:

  1. personally, i think the '3 six letter words'John tries to share with us, is a bigger trigger, to show us, the Father is farther in control, than most know.
